New on DVD and Blu-Ray

This week, we are being blessed with the physical media release of Steven Soderbergh’s Mosaic… or at least the version of Mosaic that played on HBO. The interactive version and all its exclusive material is still stuck on your phone, but it works pretty damn well as a miniseries. It unfolds like a gripping paperback for five episodes before the central mystery seems to be solved… and then the sixth episode folds back in a way that’s much more Schizopolis than Big Little Lies, and it concludes in the most gloriously blue-ballsy fashion since The Girlfriend Experience‘s season 1 finale. Oh, and the solution it takes the previous five episodes to reach is given away in the first scene of the first episode. But if that makes it sound like just another exercise in Soderbergh jerking you around (not that those aren’t great, of course), it’s quite pleasurable in every other respect, and is filled to the brim with great performances, including Sharon Stone’s central but ultimately small part as a children’s book author with very bad taste in men, Garrett Hedlund as a guy barely scraping along and eventually not even doing that (he gets a moment late in the show that’s worthy of the final bit of Matt Damon’s narration in The Informant!), and especially Devin Ratray in what should be a breakthrough performance as a squeaky-clean detective (he can’t even bring himself to curse) having to bend his morals to solve the central case.

Elsewhere, Criterion continues its run of goodies to snag during the Barnes & Noble sale with its releases of King Hu’s Dragon Inn and Ron Shelton’s Bull Durham, but Milestone gives them a run for their money with releases of Hirokazu Kore-eda’s Maborosi and Luchino Visconti’s Rocco and His Brothers. The Warner Archive Collection, meanwhile, is giving us even more Soderbergh with their Blu-Ray of Peter Ustinov’s Billy Budd adaptation, which comes with Soderbergh-Terence Stamp commentary. Even new releases have some good stuff, like Andrew Haigh’s Lean on Pete (not quite the uncompromising gut-punch his 45 Years was, but still quite good) and the surprise horror smash A Quiet Place (from the director of Brief Interviews with Hideous Men). But most importantly, Universal is giving us not one, not two, but five separate direct-to-video sequels this week. Three are “””follow-ups””” to Bring it On, one is a Big Fat Liar sequel(????), and the other is the long-awaited, Lou Diamond Phillips-starring sequel to Roger Ebert’s favorite movie, Cop and a Half. Who needs Criterion when you’ve got that kind of quality coming from the studios?

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (Kino)
Bigger Fatter Liar (Universal)
Billy Budd (Warner)
Born Losers (Shout Factory)
Bring It On: All or Nothing (Universal)
Bring It On: In It to Win It (Universal)
Bring It On Again (Universal)
Bull Durham (Criterion)
Chappaquiddick (Lionsgate)
A Ciambra (IFC)
Cop and a Half: New Recruit (Universal)
Detective Bureau 2-3: Go to Hell, Bastards! (Arrow)
Dragon Inn (Criterion)
Lean on Pete (Lionsgate)
Maborosi (Milestone)
Mosaic (HBO)
A Quiet Place (Paramount)
Rocco and His Brothers (Milestone)
Who Can Kill a Child? (Mondo Macabro)