Slime Yourself With The New Ghostbusters Trailer

So far, the marketing effort for this summer’s remake/reboot of Ghostbusters has been met with mixed responses. Some positive, some thoughtful criticisms and a tidal wave of misogyny on online forums, comment sections and Tweets across the interwebs. Hell, yesterday a dude named Angry Video Game Nerd proclaimed he would be refusing to see the movie, which launched a whole new sector of discussion, eventually spawning this well-written piece over at Birth.Movies.Death about the sexism underlying the fervent hatred for a movie that isn’t even out.

Anywho, this morning the newest trailer for this project launched and, while it likely won’t quell any cry-baby MRA’s ranting that this movie will “ruin their childhood” (how sad and pathetic must your childhood have been if one movie can ruin it?), it does give the rest of us a better look at the movie itself.

Personally, the trailer strikes me as decent but hampered by some wonky editing and a lack of focus. Not only is the whole “Chris Hemsworth gets possessed” feel like too much of a spoiler, but it comes out of nowhere since he isn’t properly established prior to that sequence in the trailer. On the other hand, there are tons of lovely looking ghosts in this trailer, the bright colors and variety of shapes and sizes these spectres come in in both of these trailers is quite a sight to see.

Meanwhile, the action actually looks pretty great and there’s a few gags (like Leslie Jones with a demon on her shoulder and her remark after not being carried by a crowd of concertgoers) that got a solid laugh out of me. There are some blatant foibles to be found in this trailer, to be sure, but what’s good here does give me hope that Paul Feig and his cast & crew can pull this off come July 15th. We shall see in just under two months.