New on DVD and Blu-Ray

Criterion, after releasing two (2) Scorsese movies in 20 years, has gone Scorsese crazy this last year and released three (3), the latest being today’s release of his Bob Dylan semi-documentary Rolling Thunder Revue. I can only hope they keep going at least until they get to Bringing Out the Dead. Elsewhere, you have Arrow’s release of Park Chan-wook’s JSA: Joint Security Area, Shout Factory continuing their work in 4K (unlike certain other labels that may have already been mentioned…) with two John Carpenter reissues, Kino releasing one of the most acclaimed films of the last year, Martin Eden, and Mill Creek releasing one of the most acclaimed films of yesteryear, Accepted. Martin Eden might’ve been even better-received if it has Louis Black in there somewhere.

2012 4K (Sony)
Accepted (Mill Creek)
Afterglow / Ray Meets Helen (MVD)
The Climb (Sony)
Dreamland (Paramount)
JSA: Joint Security Area (Arrow)
The Kid Detective (Sony)
Martin Eden (Kino)
Prince of Darkness 4K (Shout Factory)
Rolling Thunder Revue: A Bob Dylan Story by Martin Scorsese (Criterion)
They Live 4K (Shout Factory)